We don’t rely on ads. We don’t have corporate owners or backers. The Frisc is nonprofit and needs supporters like you.


Your contribution is appreciated.

Our generous readers help us pay a diverse range of journalists — Adam Brinklow, Kristi Coale, Adam Echelman, Sherri Eng, Max Harrison-Caldwell, Lydia Lee, Gisselle Medina, Oscar Palma, and many more.

They report deeply on San Francisco housing, homelessness, streets and transit, schools, and more, all while the city continues to change in fundamental, unexpected ways.

If one of our reports, features, or investigations has helped you better understand your city, support us now. If you’re like us and you want a more affordable, inclusive, and accountable San Francisco, support us now.

We can also say that your gift will support award-winning journalism. We won three awards at the 2023 SF Press Club gala: First place in the video category, second place for investigations, and third place in the crowded news feature field. (See our impact section below.)

Need more info? Try this FAQ:

I see that you’re an affiliate of Media Alliance. What’s that?

Media Alliance is our fiscal sponsor. Through its nonprofit 501(c)3 status, we’re able to ask folks like you for donations that you can claim as tax-deductible.

What impact have you had?

A lot. Just a few examples:

  • When COVID-19 hit, The Frisc was the first outlet to raise the alarm on the lack of a cohesive plan to move homeless people into empty hotels.
  • A Frisc data investigation showed that SF’s specialized Navigation Center shelters do not attract more crime, despite neighborhood fears. One year later, a once-controversial Navigation Center was granted an extension with the blessing of neighbors — thanks to better data.
  • We exposed the de Young Museum’s fake grassroots campaign in the fight over a car-free JFK Drive and debunked misinformation about other street closures.
  • We wrote about the latest City Hall corruption scandal putting community grants to nonprofits in limbo. Two weeks after our story ran, one nonprofit reported its grant finally came through — with a little extra payment to compensate for the delay.
  • We’ve long held the city’s $1B homelessness department accountable. In spring of 2022, we published an award-winning investigation of the department’s no-bid contract spree and the controversial nonprofit reaping an outsized benefit. Seven months later SF voters approved the first-ever homelessness oversight commission. This year, nine months after the commission’s launch, we followed up to explain why the commission has wielded less power than was originally promised.
  • Sup. Aaron Peskin’s bill to expand rent control used two academic studies to boost his proposal. We revealed that the studies actually concluded that rent control doesn’t lead to more housing — the opposite of Peskin’s claims. Peskin soon withdrew his proposal. (Another award-winning story.)

What are your politics?

The Frisc is independent and nonpartisan. We don’t endorse officials, candidates, or ballot measures. We do believe in and advocate for a more inclusive, affordable, and accountable city, where people get to work and school safely, start businesses fearlessly, and go about their lives with dignity and respect. Even before the pandemic disruption, San Francisco was falling short of those goals. Help us keep fighting for a better city.


Your contribution is appreciated.

Why should I donate?

You are a concerned San Francisco resident, or you’re outside looking in, trying to make sense of our changes and crises. We want to help you understand more, engage more, and help shape a better place for each other — a more affordable, inclusive, and accountable city.

There aren’t many publications devoted 100 percent to San Francisco. Everything we do focuses on the bigger civic picture, celebrating all that we share in this unique town.

Still have questions? Email our editor in chief Alex Lash (alex@thefrisc.com) and ask anything.

Most important, please support us. Thank you!